Welcome, Charlotte Aquatics family and proud parents, to a special edition of our swim blog that is sure to make waves of excitement! Today, we are thrilled to shine a spotlight on the rising stars of our aquatic community – the newest level 7 Graduates. Our graduates are ready to share their tales – inspiring narratives that showcase the transformation that happens when passion meets persistence in the shimmering embrace of the water.

Zoe’s Bio:
Zoe is 10 years old. She loves swimming! When she is not in the pool, she enjoys playing the piano and drawing. Her favorite stroke is freestyle and her favorite teachers are Ms. Paige and Mr. Devyn. Her favorite memory at Charlotte Aquatics is swinging off of our infamous rope swing.
Aanya’s Bio:
Bio coming soon…

Tyler’s Bio:
Bio coming soon….
Evelyn’s Bio:
Bio coming soon

Anwitha’s Bio:
Bio coming soon…
Sruti’s Bio:
Bio coming soon…

Maya’s Bio:
Bio coming soon…
Hetansh’s Bio:
Bio coming soon…

Ainsley’s Bio:
Bio coming soon…
As we wrap up this celebration of triumph and aquatic excellence, let’s keep the enthusiasm flowing like a steady current! At our swimming haven, we believe in starting the journey to water confidence early, with lessons available for little ones as young as 3 months. It’s not just about creating expert swimmers; it’s about instilling a lifelong love for the water. By diving in from the very beginning, we’re not only nurturing future champions but working towards our ultimate goal of preventing drowning one joyful splash at a time. So, whether you’re a seasoned swimmer or just dipping your toes into the world of aquatic adventures, join us in celebrating the success stories of our Level Up Graduates and continue riding the wave of excitement that makes swimming with us an experience like no other. Until next time, keep swimming, keep smiling, and let the water be your endless playground!