My name is Zoie and I am 9 years old. I am in 4th grade. When I am not swimming, I love to read, sing, ride my bike and hang out with my little sister Bella. Our favorite things are playing with our L.O.L. Surprise dolls and iPads. I also love spending time with my best friend Chloe at the park or face timing with her.
Swimming allows me to stay activate and have fun. My best swimming memory is when I finally learned how to do my backstroke and not get water in my nose which can really hurt. I have saved all my patches and certificates in a bin which I plan to finally display in my room along with my trophy from passing the level 6 swim class. My favorite stroke is the breaststroke because I love the way I glide in the water. Swimming has changed my life because it made me more confident about being around and getting in the water. It makes me and my parents happing knowing I can swim and be safe, thanks to Charlotte Aquatics. What I love most about Charlotte Aquatics are all the wonderful and talented swim teachers who helped me to get to this final level 6. My favorite memory of Charlotte Aquatics is when I was practicing my breaststroke arms. I had to sit on a noddle in the water in a relay race. The noodle caused me to flip over and fall in the water. I kept falling off but I finally got the hang of it and made it to the end of the pool.
PARENT NOTE: I was so grateful and blessed to have found Charlotte Aquatics back on February 9th, 2016 when Zoie was 4 ½ years old and we immediately started her first swim lesson. She was so nervous but in no time she was relaxed and enjoying splashing around with her new friends.
I just wanted to take the time to thank the entire past and present Charlotte Aquatics staff members who helped Zoie accomplish the goal of passing all swim levels, especially level 6! I witnessed all the hard work they put into teaching and encouraging her to reach her full potential. There were happy times and a few tears but they never gave up on her. The staff was so generous with their words of advice and video clips to help Zoie perfect her butterfly stroke and pass level 6.
Charlotte Aquatics is not only a place to go to learn the skills to swim in a fun and safe environment. It’s a place where wonderful memories are made and a family bond is created through the many years with staff and other parents. Thank you for the 5 years of dedication. Zoie would not be where she is without you all. We cannot wait to start Elite Fish classes. Applause and much love to you all.

My name is Aaron and I am 8 years old. When I am not swimming I do Karate (I am a double brown belt) and I play baseball. I also, like to ride my bike and play with my two bulldog puppies. My best swimming memor is swimming with my family on the beach in the Bahamas. My mom is keeping all of my patches in a safe place. I love swimming because it makes me feel like I am flying. I am a very strong swimmer because of all my lessons. My favorite stroke is Breaststroke. What I like most about Charlotte Aquatics is THE TEACHERS ESPECIALLY MS. DEBORAH, MS. KATIE AND MS. GIGI!! (Also, I like that the pool isn’t super deep). My favorite memory of Charlotte Aquatics is getting to swim with Ms. Deborah so much.

Hi! My name is Ethan and I am 6 years old. When I am not swimming I do Karate (I am a purple belt) and play tackle football. I also really like to play outside with my friends. My best swimming memory is swimming with my friends in the hot tub on the cruise ship! I really like being fast and I really have fun winning swimming races. My favorite stroke is freestyle. What I like most about Charlotte Aquatics is learning to swim so good from good swimming teachers like Ms. Katie and Ms. Deborah. I really miss Ms. Gigi. My favorite memory of Charlotte Aquatics is getting to swim with pumpkins and racing with Ms. Stephanie.
PARENT NOTE: Thanks for everything! We love you Charlotte Aquatics!!!

Hi, my name is Kellyn and I am 7 years old! I started swimming lessons at Charlotte Aquatics when I was a baby! When I am not swimming, I like to ride my hover board and go to Carowinds! My favorite swimming memory was when we did the jungle safari scavenger hunt and swimming with pumpkins every fall! My favorite stroke is the breaststroke.
Charlotte aquatics taught me how to swim so now I can safely play in my pool at home! My favorite thing about Charlotte Aquatics has been that they do really fun things with us and they have super nice teachers!

Hi, I’m Jackson. I am seven and a half and in the second grade. I started at Charlotte Aquatics after moving here from Wisconsin in October of 2018. When I’m not swimming, I love to eat and play with my friends and sister. Charlotte Aquatics taught me how to swim confidently and be able to get out of deep water safely. My favorite stroke is the butterfly and I am excited to keep swimming using the skills I learned at Charlotte Aquatics.