My name is Ani and I am 11 years old. I love everything about Charlotte Aquatics because it is fun! My favorite memory of Charlotte Aquatics was my first day because it was the best day ever. My favorite memory of swimming was doing my first dive because it was fun and I was proud of myself. My favorite stroke is freestyle because I am fast at it. When I am not swimming, I do my homework and play. I collect all of my swim patches. Swimming has made me feel much healthier. I think I have improved a lot in my first few months and I am so excited to continue getting better.

My name is Cullen. I am 7 years old and in 1st grade. When I am not swimming, I like to play Minecraft, ride my dirt-bike, listen to music (I like being a DJ) and dance. My favorite swimming memory was Life Rescue Day when Ms. Deborah pushed us in the lifeboat so fast that we all fell backward, it was so funny we still laugh about it!! My parents are going to put all of my patches in a shadow box in my bedroom. My favorite stroke is Breaststroke, I will always remember pull, breathe, kick, glide. Swimming has changed my life because it has taught me pool safety and how to swim correctly and what to do in case of a swim/water emergency. I have been with Ms. Deborah for 5 years and will miss her so much!
PARENT NOTE: We have been at Charlotte Aquatics for 5 years and we recommend this place to everyone we meet looking for swim lessons. These instructors, especially Ms. Deborah, work so hard with the kids. They know how to have fun while teaching water safety/swimming techniques. We are so thankful for all the swim skills/safety that Cullen has learned. This is such an amazing community!!

Hi my name is Gabriella I am 9 years old and I am in the 3rd grade. When I am not swimming, I like to hang out with my friends and play soccer. What I have done with my patches are hang them up in my room on my wall. My favorite stroke is butterfly because I like doing dolphin kicks and swinging my arms all the way out of the water. What I like most about Charlotte Aquatics is that the coaches make practice fun. My best swimming memory is when I got to swing off a rope into the water.

My name is Harper and I am 7 years old and in 2nd grade. When I am not swimming, I like to knit and make origami. My best swimming memory is when Mr. Devyn said I need to work on Butterfly and I did it and he was proud. We hang our patches up on our refrigerator and put them in our closet. My favorite swimming stroke is breaststroke because it’s the easiest. I like when Mr. Devyn cannonballs me into the pool. I LOVE CHARLOTTE AQUATICS!

My name is Josh, I am 10.5 years old and in grade 4 at school. When I’m not swimming, I like to play with friends and family. I also play soccer, rugby and tennis. Breaststroke and freestyle are my favorite strokes. Swimming every week at Charlotte Aquatics has made me a stronger and more confident swimmer. I like it when Mr. Mike jokes around, he’s very funny and a great swimming instructor. I am going to ask my Gran to sew my patches on a blanket. I have loved my time swimming at Charlotte Aquatics.