Introducing our July Level 7 Grads

Welcome, Charlotte Aquatics family and proud parents, to a special edition of our swim blog that is sure to make waves of excitement! Today, we are thrilled to shine a spotlight on the rising stars of our aquatic community – the newest Level 7 Graduates! Our graduates are ready to share their tales – inspiring bios that showcase the transformation that happens when passion meets persistence in the shimmering embrace of the water.

Addison’s Bio: 

Addi, when she’s not pretending to be a mermaid, enjoys kicking it in Taekwondo, playing piano, getting crafty with arts, and hanging with her pals. Her swimming highlight is mastering the aquatic somersault, aka flip turns.  She’s hoarded all her swimming badges in her drawer like a treasure chest to keep them from the sock monster.  Her go-to move in the water is the freestyle, because she’s fast.  Swimming has made summers awesome; she’s now a deep-end diva and a slide sensation.  What tickles her fancy the most about Charlotte Aquatics is the Tarzan-style rope swing and her crowning glory was the epic moment she conquered the pool’s length in one go.

Hudson’s Bio:

When Hudson isn’t making waves in the pool, he goes all out in Taekwondo, enjoys shooting hoops, Legos and drawing.  His best swimming tale involves Charlotte Aquatics, where he transformed from a floatie aficionado into a human torpedo. Those patches he got after each class? Yeah, he fancied them as ninja stars.  His go-to move in the water is the butterfly stroke, probably because it makes him feel like a superhero. Being able to go in the deep end and down the big slides has been a game-changer for him. The best moments at Charlotte Aquatics were when they let you swing from a rope like Tarzan, but if you ask him about his top memory, it’s learning to float on his back and chill in the water.

Julian’s Bio:

Julian is ten years old and entering into sixth grade. When he isn’t swimming, he loves to play video games such as Roblox and Minecraft. Julian is very excited to graduate from the Charlotte Aquatics program and display his completion trophy in his room. His best swimming memory is going down a hotel water slide during a family vacation in Miami, FL. He also loved the ocean in Miami, where the water was very warm and clear. His favorite swimming stroke is freestyle. Swimming has changed his life because now he can go into the deep end, which he finds the most fun, especially diving to touch the bottom. At Charlotte Aquatics, his favorite activity is the rope swing, and his best memory is bobbing for pumpkins each year.

Kylie’s Bio:

Kylie is currently 8 years old and in 3rd grade. When she is not swimming she likes to play Fortnite and play with my friends. Her best swimming memory is when she got her first certificate. Her favorite stroke is butterfly! What she loves most about Charlotte Aquatics are the teachers. Her favorite memory of Charlotte Aquatics is learning how to do the butterfly. 

Miles’ Bio:

Miles is 10 years old and will be going into 5th grade this fall.  When he is not swimming, he enjoys playing golf, basketball, legos and going to school.  He is so excited about becoming a level 7 graduate and going through the whole program at Charlotte Aquatics has helped enhance his confidence in swimming and safety in the water.  His favorite swim stroke is freestyle.  He has enjoyed the entire time at Charlotte Aquatics but says his favorite memory was when he was able to swim for the first time without assistance.  We greatly appreciate all of the instructors and staff for such a great experience.

Stephen’s Bio:

Stephen Frederick Jr. is 9 years old and a soon to be 4th grader.  When he is not swimming, he enjoys, playing baseball, basketball, playing video games, and being a big brother to Shane and Silas, who also swim at Charlotte Aquatics. His best swimming memory is swimming at Carowinds in the wave pool. His favorite stroke is the breaststroke.  All Stephens patches were saved, by mom and dad,  to be put in a memory book.  Swimming has changed his life with him being more confident in the water and being able to be safe and enjoy the water with friends and have no worries about having a good time.   What Stephen likes most about Charlotte Aquatics is swimming and getting better every class. His favorite memory of Charlotte Aquatics is going off the rope swing and belly flopping/ cannon balls.

Sydney’s Bio: 

Sydney is seven and a half years old and a rising 2nd grader.  When she is not swimming, she enjoys art, gymnastics, dance, karate, baking, going to the beach, and hanging out with the family pets.  In the pool, her favorite strokes are freestyle and backstroke, and her favorite swim class activity is diving for rings & weights.  Her favorite memory at Charlotte Aquatics is swimming with her long-time, former teacher Ms. Katie to music from Moana in an empty pool.  Sydney is proud to have graduated from Charlotte Aquatics, and looks forward to using the techniques learned over her seven years at CA to continue enjoying the water! 

We are grateful for the amazing Charlotte Aquatics staff and all they have done to develop our children into excellent swimmers. We have been coming to Charlotte Aquatics weekly for almost 10 years and have watched our two children develop unbelievable swimming skills, one week at a time. It’s hard to believe that we have come to the end of this era as our youngest graduates from level 7!  Thank you Charlotte Aquatics Team for all your hard work and dedication!

 Michele & Cary McCaskill