My name is Amelia. I am 6 years old and in first grade. I started swimming at Charlotte Aquatics when I was 18 months old. I absolutely love swimming and my favorite stroke is freestyle. When I am not swimming, I like doing gymnastics. My favorite memories from swim class are riding in the boat during safety week and learning how to dive. I also love it when Mr. Mike does silly things and makes me laugh. All of my patches are in my baby book, but I think we are going to put them in a frame to hang in my bedroom. I have loved swimming at Charlotte Aquatics and can’t wait to start Elite classes.

Prior to starting lessons at Charlotte Aquatics, we never thought DJ would go pass the second step. He was so afraid of the water. No matter how many floaties, noodles or rafts we purchased, family members could not get him into the pool. We are so proud that he is graduating and has become an amazing swimmer. He says that the hardest part now will be figuring out what to do during COVID on Wednesday nights since he can’t hang out with Mr. William.

Hi! My name is Kailyn and I am eight years old. When I am not swimming, you will find me playing outside, practicing gymnastics or dancing. My favorite stroke is freestyle. I love diving and doing flip turns, especially around pumpkins! I have all my patches hanging up on my bedroom wall and now I will have to add a special shelf for my trophy! I have loved learning from Ms. Megan, Ms. Olivia, Ms. Kathryn and Ms. Gigi!!
On a personal note: Thank you all so much for taking such good care of my girls! When Kailyn joined our family, we were told she enjoyed playing at the pool. Uncertain of how long she would be with us, we immediately put her in swim lessons. We felt that making sure she could swim and be safe in the water was a gift we could give her, no matter what her future held. We enrolled her at Charlotte Aquatics because of the level of care we received for CJ. We used to live closer to Charlotte Aquatics and sometimes it felt silly driving past 4 swim schools to get there, but we knew she was in the best hands. Thank you for providing her with such great care and bringing out the best swimmer in her! I was tearing up tonight because I see Charlotte Aquatics as part of her journey from Foster Care to adoption. Thank you for your part in our story! ❤️