My name is Carson and I am 8 years old. I am in the 2nd grade. When I am not swimming, I like to play with legos and watch movies. My best swimming memory is when I learned the breaststroke, which is my favorite stroke. Now that I know how to swim, I can have so much more fun at my grandma’s pool and when I go to the beach. What I like most about Charlotte Aquatics is that I get to swim even when it’s winter. My best memory of Charlotte Aquatics is when I graduated from Level 6.

My name is Charles. I am in the 5th grade and I am 10 years old. My favorite memory of Charlotte Aquatics was learning to swim the butterfly. All the patches I have received I keep in my room where I can look at them. The stroke I enjoy the most is breaststroke. When I’m not swimming, I write poetry and play chess. Charlotte Aquatics has made me feel more secure in the water. My favorite thing about Charlotte Aquatics is the teachers, and my favorite swimming memory is from the fall when we had to swim with pumpkins. I do remember that once, the heat was turned off, and when I dove into the pool, I felt like an ice cube.

My name is Joseph. I’m 10 years old and in the 5th grade. I swim with my twin brother Charles, and my younger brother Samuel. When I’m not swimming, I like to draw and paint, and play the piano. My favorite memory from Charlotte Aquatics is being able to race my brothers in the pool. When I win, that is my favorite. I feel like swimming makes my limbs stronger. My favorite thing about Charlotte Aquatics is the excellent teachers, and my favorite stroke is the breaststroke. I lost two of my patches and saved two. I definitely will not lose my trophy.

My name is Samuel. I’m 8 and in the 3rd grade. I play basketball when I am not swimming or read my favorite books and listen to books on CD and Audible. Learning to do the front crawl is my best swimming memory at Charlotte Aquatics, besides getting candy canes at Christmas. I wish I could say I had my patches all stacked neatly in my room, but I must admit I lost almost every one of them the day after I received them. My favorite stroke is the breaststroke. I have more fun in the pool now, and I can show off. My favorite thing about Charlotte Aquatics is the smell of chlorine…the strong smell, mind you.